Dr. Elisabeth Kramer-Simpson

Beth Kramer-Simpson, PhD

Associate Professor

Technical Communication Program Director

  • elisabeth.kramer-simpson@elahomecollection.com Fitch 114
    (575) 835-6056
    Office Hours: Wed 1pm-3:45pm; please email in advance

技术传播副教授,贝丝·克莱默-辛普森从事学生 在服务和社区项目中,比如与当地非营利组织合作寻找资助 opportunities or other documentation support. She is introducing content strategy and usability research into the MS in Public Engagement. She also connects students with internships and resources for professional development.

Dr. 贝丝在纽约大学获得了英语(写作研究)博士学位 汉普郡第二语言写作专业,应用英语硕士学位 威斯康辛大学语言学学士学位,英国大学英语教育学士学位 University of Iowa. 

她教授技术交流课程,如社区服务,入职培训 技术传播、视觉传播、实习、社会公正与社会语言学、 技术写作,高级研讨会,说服性沟通和拨款写作,专业 Writing Workshop, and Senior Thesis. 

她的研究领域包括服务学习、社会公正、实习和内容 auditing. Dr. 贝丝指导技术交流项目,这是知情的 by our Corporate Advisory Board. She is also the STC Trinitite student chapter faculty 赞助并鼓励学生提交海报和演讲的想法,以全国 conferences.